Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The faith of Satan and the faith of Abubakr are at a same level

The faith of Satan and the faith of Abubakr are at a same level! [Sunni Source]

لعل مراده بذلك: التصديق التالي. ومعلوم أنه لا يكفي وحده.

Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal writes in the book "Al-Sunnah" with Sahih Source:👇👇

أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْقَاسِم عَبْد الرَّحْمَن بن مُحَمَّد بن عَبْد الله السَّرَّاج بنَیْسَابُور، قَالَ: أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الحَسَن أَحْمَد بن مُحَمَّد بن عَبْدُوس الطرائفی، قَالَ: حَدَّثَنَا عُثْمَان بن سَعِید الدَّارِمِیّ، قَالَ: حَدَّثَنَا محبوب بن موسى الأنطاکی، قَالَ: سَمِعْتُ أَبَا إِسْحَاق الفزاری، یَقُولُ: سَمِعْتُ أَبَا حنیفة، یَقُولُ: 👈إیمان إبلیس وإیمان أَبِی بَکْر الصدیق رضی الله عنه واحد،👉 قالَ أَبُو بَکْر الصدیق: یا رب وَقَالَ إبلیس: یا رب،

Abu Ishaq al-Fazari says: I heard Abu Hanifa said many times: "👉The faith of Satan and the faith of Abi Bakr Siddiq are the same👈 Abu Bakr and Satan both used to say Ya Rabb"

السنة.ج1 ص219.ط دار ابن القیم
Al-Sunnah, vol. 1, p291

Birth of Imam Ali (PBUH) in the Kaaba (Sunni Source)

Monday, April 20, 2020


Sunnis always ridicule Shia; saying that Shia do not have the Sahih narrative and that the Shia narrators are not authentic !!!
Just because Sunnis do not like Shia hadithes doesn't mean they are weak! Shia Hadithes are narrated from Ahlul Bayt while Sunni Hdithes are narated by anyone who had seen the Prophet with his eyes (Sahabi)!

But observing the Sunni books, the Sunnis themselves have admitted that most Sunni narrators are weakened and if the narration of anyone who disagrees is rejected, there is no correct tradition in the Sunni religion !!!

ولَو ذهب الْعلمَاء إِلَى ترك كل من تكلم فِيهِ لم يبْق بأيدي أهل هَذَا الشَّأْن من الحَدِيث إِلَّا الْيَسِير بل لم يبْق شَيْء وَمن الَّذِي ينجو من النَّاس سالما
📚النكت على مقدمة ابن الصلاح جلد ۳ صفحه ۳۴۵۳۴۶٫

🔶 If the scholars gonna leave anyone who has an unreliability mentioned about him, there will be nothing left but a few hadiths, but even no hadiths will be left and no body will remain safe.

📚Alkant alaMuqaddat ibn al-salah Volume 3, page 345-6

But who is Zarqashi?

🌐 كان فقيهاً أصولياً أديباً فاضلاً، ودرس وأفتى، وكان أكثر اشتغاله بالفقه وأصوله وعلوم الحديث والقرآن والتفسير

 ( #sunni_hadith

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Omar the 2nc Caliph & Mut'ah!

 Omar bin Khattab's statement on the prohibition of #Mutah

➡️  Note at  this interesting narration narrated by Yahya ibn Aktham:

Yahya ibn Aktham saked one of the sheikhs of Basra:

"Who do you follow in the permission of Mut'ah?
He said: I follow Omar.
He asked: How? While Omar himself was one of the hardest ones about prohibition of  Mut'ah. ⁉️
He said: Because the Sahih  narration says that he went on the stage and said: "Allah and His Messenger have made Mut'ah lawful, but I forbid you from it  and I will punish those who do Mut'ah."
We accepted Omar's testimony (about its permissibility), but we do not accept the prohibition  by him."

It's while, if there was a single evidence  from the Prophet PBUH regarding the prohibition of Mut'ah, 'Umar would certainly have used it to testify, but he did not do so, as he himself said: "Mut'ah was lawful at the time of the Prophet", and he forbid from it, according to his own personal will.

 1 Prose of Al-Dar in Al-Muhazarat, vol. 2, p.132
 ۱ نثر الدر في المحاضرات، ج2، ص132، أبوسعد منصور بن الحسين الآبي

Shia Asks:

Sunni Sahih hadith says: " Do not follow people of Innovation"
Then why do Sunnis follow Omar?

May Allah grant Logics and Guidness

Love to pray in followers of Omar

  قال الکاظم علیه السلام قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وآله:
 مَنْ عَمِلَ فِي بِدْعَةٍ خَلَّاهُ الشَّيْطَانُ وَ الْعِبَادَةَ وَ أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ الْخُشُوعَ وَ الْبُكَاءَ.

. ✍️Imam Kazem (PBUH) says:
  Whoever worships and prays based on #Innovation, #Satan will not try to stop him from worshiping (but even ) will make him humble and cry (in the worshipping)! .

منبع: بحارالانوار٦٩ص٢١٦ از نوادر راوندی
 Shia Asks: Now we can understand how an ISIS member can pray loads of Salah per a day!

“اَللّهُمَّ عَجِّل لِوَلیِّکَ الفَرَج”

lies for money!

❌ ‘Awzai’ #Sunni scholar :

👉 We were paid, to testify falsely that #Ali bin Abi Talib is a hypocrite !

📌 PS  M.R #Dahabi, the great Rijali Sunni scholar, refers to “Awzai" with the titles: “Sheikh al-Islam” and “The scholar of Sham”.

📚 (Siyar A'lam al-Nubala Vol.7, p130)
inside sunnism

Tawassul in Ahlul Sunnah!

Bitter confession from the fatwa center of the website Islam Web (one of the most reputable and trusted websites for Sunnis&Wahhabis) about #Tawassul!

 Some Scholars have disagreed on the permission to make Tawassul to the Messenger of God, and most of those who have spoken about it, including Ahmad ibn Hanbal, consider it permissible👈 , and only Hanafi school and Ibn Taymiyyah and a minority group have banned it.


Interesting conversation with an arrested ISIS guy

 Interesting conversation with an arrested ISIS guy

🔸An ISIS member was asked: Why do you have spoon in your pocket?
He said: Because Prophet is waiting for me to eat with him after I explode myself


◼️ Shia Asks: Poor brainwashed guys they dont even think that Prophet (PBUH) used to eat with hands.

🔹 The condition to true islam: Quran+Ahlul Bayt (their missing piece of religion)

Saturday, April 11, 2020

When AbuBakr's daughter used to Mut’ah!

The daughter of Abu Bakr, Aisha's sister, used to Mut'ah (Temporary Marriage) according to a Sahih document from authentic Sunni books

 Abu Ja'far Tahawi, a well-known Sunni scholar, writes:

Saeed bin Jubayr says: I heard from Abdullah ibn Zubayr while he was giving a speech in which he was mocking Ibn 'Abbas and objecting his opinion about Mut’ah.
Ibn Abbas said: 'If he is telling the truth, then he must  ask his mother!!!'  He asked his mother. His mother (Asmaa, Abu Bakr's daughter) said: 'Ibn Abbas is right, it is so!' ” [1]

This narration is authentic considering the source and also according to the principles of the Rijal science of Ahlus Sunnah, and no objection can be entered for it.

 In the lectures of Al-Adba, Ragheb vol. 2, P.23, chapter, Permission on Mut'ah:

Ibn Zubayr said to Ibn Abbas:
Why do you give a fatwa that Mut'ah is permissible? He replied, "Ask your mother how she conceived you." So he asked, "She replied, 'I gave birth to you through Mut'ah.' [2]

Muslim Qarayi says:

We went to Asmaa, the daughter of Abu Bakr (mother of Abdullah Ibn Zubayr) and asked her about the Mut'ah, and she replied: 'We did this during the time of the Messenger of God' (may God bless him and grant him peace)!! [3]

This narration indicates that Abu Bakr's eldest daughter was one of those who believed in temporary marriage (Mut'ah)  and she did it herself. The source of this narration is also 100% authentic according to the Sunni basis:

.1.  Sharh Maani al-Asar Vol.3 ,P.24
 شرح معانی الاثار ج۳ص۲۴

2. The same content is briefly mentioned in the following books:

Zaadul Ma'aad Vol.2, P206
 زاد المعاد ج 2 ص 206
 Al-Tamheed Laban Abd Al-Barr vol. 8 p. 208
التمهيد لابن عبد البر ج8 ص 208
 Ibn Abd al-Barr, vol. 4, p. 61
 الاستذكار ابن عبد البر ج4 ص61

3. Al-Nisa'i, Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, vol. 3, p. 326
  النسائي، السنن الكبرى، ج3، ص326


 Shia Asks: In the end, Mut'ah Halal or Haram?

 If haram, => it is Zina =>  Sister of Ayisha  commited Zina => The Caliph (R.A) did not punish her according Quran❗️{then really R.A ????!}

If Halal, then Umar (R.A) is a liar and innovator in the religion.
{Again R.A ???!!!!!!!!!!!!}

 This is absolutely an insult to Allah (Subhana wa Ta'ala) to ask his blessing on someone who has changed the religion and made innovation in the Sunnah of Messenger of Allah

 Insulting Allah is Shirk!!!

.....And Allah never forgives shirk...

Now you are  free to use  R.A for him as much as you want 🙃

We beg you THINK then choose sunnism.

Friday, April 3, 2020

We were paid, to testify falsely that #Ali bin Abi Talib is a hypocrite!

❌ ‘Awzai’ #Sunni scholar :

👉 We were paid, to testify falsely that #Ali bin Abi Talib is a hypocrite !

📌 PS  M.R #Dahabi, the great Rijali Sunni scholar, refers to “Awzai" with the titles: “Sheikh al-Islam” and “The scholar of Sham”.

📚 (Siyar A'lam al-Nubala Vol.7, p130