Thursday, January 2, 2020

Death of Prophet Muhammad

Did the Prophet (PBUH) pass away poisioned?

♦️Muslim scholars have differing views on how the Prophet of Islam passed away; many Shiite and Sunni scholars believe that he was poisoned, and that the poison had worked and martyred Him.
🔻Many Sunni elders have quoted Abdullah bin Massoud, saying:
"If I swear nine times that the Prophet of God was murdered, it is more beloved to me than to swear once that he has not been killed, because God has made Him a Prophet and a martyr."
📚 Al-Masnaf, Vol. 5, p. 269, h 9571
📚 Al-Kibra Tabs, Vol. 2, p
📚 seat of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, c. 1, p. 408, h. 3873; c. 1, p. 434, c. 4139

🔵 And from the Shia scholars, the Sheikh Mofid writes:
🔸 The Prophet of God died on Monday, the 28th of Safar, in Medina while he was poisoned.
📚 Al-Muqana'a, p. 456

🔹Sheikh Tusi writes in the book of Tawheed al-Ahkam:
"Mohammed bin Abdullah (PBUH) ... died on Monday, Safar 28, the tenth year of Hijra, when he was poisoned.
📚 Ruling of power, vol. 6 p. 2

⭕️ But it is not clear to us exactly who poisoned the prophet and when it was.

⚠️ But on the one hand we see that Bukhari and Muslim and many other Sunni elders wrote:

" Narrated `Aisha:
We forcefully put medicine in one side of his mouth but he started waving us not to insert the medicine into his mouth. We said, "He dislikes the medicine as a patient usually does." But when he came to his senses he said, "Did I not forbid you to put medicine (by force) in the side of my mouth?" We said, "We thought it was just because a patient usually dislikes medicine." He said, "None of those who are in the house but will be forced to take medicine in the side of his mouth while I am watching, except Al-`Abbas, for he had not witnessed your deed."

 Sahih al-Bukhari, vol. 4, p. 1618, h
 Sahih correct, vol. 4, p. 1733, h. 2213

 The interesting point is that Bukhari has quoted this hadith in the book of Diat, Qisas.

What do you think? What was the reason that Prophet (PBUH) prevented from giving him medicine? Was that thing that was forcefully fed to Prophet (PBUH)  a Poison or Medicine? And if it was a medicine, what reason would the Prophet have for forbidding  it?

You judge ...
#Martyrdom_of_Prophet PBUH


📖 "O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you" 4:59
📖 "Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred, Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed. 53:2-4
📖 "Your ally is none but Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed - those who establish prayer and give zakah, and they bow [in worship]. (According Sunni scholard this verse is about Ali PBUH) " 5:55

❓ When we look at Quran's perspective about the Prophet and His obediance, here comes some more questions 👇

🅰️ Can one who has disobeyed the Messenger of God be a believer ⁉️
🅱️ A muslim is the one who is Submitted meaning whatever His Allies have commaned, he must obey without questioning or doubting. So why did Ayisha and others doubt in the words of Messenger of Allah? Can we still say they were fully submitted to Allah and His Messenger⁉️
🆎 How do the Ahlul Sunnah claim that all Companions are promised Jannah then while as we see some of them obviousely have disobeyed the Prophet and annoyed Him❓ Surely we know that whatever annoys the Prophet does annoy the Allah as well ❗️

⬛️Submit your answer to @Shia_asks_bot


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